Ohio Genealogy

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Guernsey County Biographies

We are actively publishing online the biographies from volume 2 of A History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Cyrus P. B. Sarchet.

Biographies of Guernsey County Ohio

Licking County Biographies

We are actively publishing online the biographies from volume 2 of Centennial History of the City of Newark and Licking County, Ohio by Edwin M. P. Brister.

Biographies of Licking County Ohio

Williams County Biographies

We are actively publishing online the biographies from volume 2 of A Standard History of Williams County, Ohio by Charles A. Bowersox.

Biographies of Williams County Ohio

Featured Ohio Genealogy:

A Book of Clevelanders, A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland
The remarks following each name are autobiographical. Not a word has been added and except for unimportant changes affecting the phraseology employed, every man’s description is his own.

Athens County, Ohio History and Genealogy
Our first county for Ohio, the vast majority of information on this website is based upon History of Athens County, Ohio, by Charles M. Walker, Cincinnati, R. Clarke, 1869

Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812
The roster of the war of 1812 for Ohio consisted of a total of 26,280 men who enlisted from Ohio to assist the nation in this war. They comprised of 3 regiments, 464 companies, 13 cavalry troops, and 1 artillery battery. This dataset has broken up this list for easier perusal by the company, troop, or battery of the soldiers.

World War II Army and Army Air Corps Casualty Lists
Ohio honor List of Army and Army Air Corps during World War 2.

World War II Navy, Marines and Nurses Casualty Lists
Ohio honor List of Navy, Marines, and Nurses during World War 2

Neighboring States

The following states are neighbors of Ohio and are not listed below as part of the Great Lakes Genealogy.

Great Lakes Genealogy

Biography of George M. Benner

George M. Benner was a self-made success story from Williams County, admired for his determination and ethical conduct in business. Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Jacob and Irish-native Mary Benner in 1874, George moved to Ohio at a young age after his father’s death. He started his independent life as a farm laborer at 18 and eventually owned a thriving 60-acre farm where he focused on general farming and stock raising. On October 8, 1902, George married Mabel Thompson, and both were active in their Methodist Episcopal Church. Though politically active as a Republican, he did not seek office. George’s…
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Biography of Orlie H. Bowen

Orlie H. Bowen stood as a prominent business figure and respected citizen in Williams County, Ohio. Born on April 24, 1884, in New London, he later became the esteemed cashier of Montpelier National Bank, contributing significantly to his community’s prosperity. Orlie’s parents, Robert and Rebecca Bowen, hailed from Richland County and eventually settled in Williams County after farming. A graduate of Montpelier High School and Davis Business College, Orlie advanced from assistant to elected cashier at First National Bank of Montpelier, serving steadfastly even after a bank merger. Married to Lucy Opdycke and father to Mary and Alice, he actively…
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Biography of Ed Piper

Ed Piper was a prominent business owner in Stryker, Williams County, specializing in heating and plumbing. Born on February 3, 1877, in New Holstein, Wisconsin to Henry and Mary (Greve) Piper, he grew up on a farm before apprenticing in tinning. After working in different towns, Piper settled in Stryker in 1898, joining the Beucler Manufacturing Company and eventually acquiring the business. He expanded the company to include heating and plumbing, creating a successful venture that drew customers from a wide area. Married to Anna Strong, the couple had five children. Piper, a Republican and Odd Fellows member, was recognized…
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Biography of A. Earl Newcomer

A. Earl Newcomer, born on June 16, 1882, is a thriving agriculturist and dairy farmer operating on his birthplace farm near Bryan, his home county’s judicial center. Educated at district schools, Bryan High School, and a business college in Toledo, Newcomer began by renting and then buying an 80-acre farm from his father. Focused on dairy farming with Holstein cattle and breeding Spotted Poland China hogs, he is recognized as an energetic and successful young farmer in Pulaski Township. Politically a republican, he and his wife, Virga E. Wise, are active in the Church of the Brethren and parents to…
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Biography of Daniel P. Koch

Elder Daniel P. Koch, born on August 23, 1858, in St. Joseph County, Indiana, was the son of Moses and Sarah Koch from Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. His father had settled in Williams County after several relocations. Daniel grew up there, received a common school education, and worked on the family farm until adulthood. After marrying Cora Keiser in 1878, he rented and later bought land, ultimately settling on a 190-acre farm. Daniel and Cora had two children, Pearl and Homer Dale. As the head of the local Church of the Brethren, Elder Koch was respected for his character and…
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Biography of Frank N. Watson

Frank N. Watson was a pivotal figure in Williams County’s agricultural realm, epitomizing hard work, integrity, and innovation. Born in 1876, this son of W.C. and Jennie Watson transitioned from teaching to farming, eventually becoming president of the Farmers’ Grain Elevator at Pulaski. He married Pearl Koch and had eight children. Watson ascended from humble beginnings to leadership within the farming community, earning respect for his unwavering industry and ethical approach. Owning a prosperous 78-acre farm, he employed progressive methods in cultivation and stock raising. His standing as a reputable citizen extended beyond farming; he also possessed strong familial and…
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