Biographical Sketches of Pleasant Hill Church Pastors

These biographies were researched and penned by Rev. William B. Hastings, the senior pastor of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in 1953. They were subsequently published in his self-published manuscript on the church records, of which you can access here: Records of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1829-1894

In these biographies he expected to have had time to transcribe and make all necessary corrections in verbiage, etc., but apologized for not having the time before publication. Many may wonder why certain names have been omitted. But he just wrote the Pastors biographies. Assistant Pastors will be found in the list of Appointments called Pastor’s Record, beginning with Page 80 in the book, where they will be found with time of service.

1st Pastor, Rev. Wm. H. Evans

The first Pastor and Organizer of this Methodist Congregation was born in Lancaster County, Pa., March 18, 1797. His father, John Evans, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and he was also a soldier in the War of 1812. He was converted shortly after he returned from the army. He was soon convinced of the duty that he was called to preach.

He joined the M. E. Church, received a license to preach and labored in a local capacity till 1828, when he was expelled because he went as a delegate to the Convention of Reformers, which held their meeting in Baltimore, Md., in 1828. He also took an active part in the Convention which had been called by Rev. Asa Shinn in Cincinnati, October 15, 1829, when the Ohio Conference was organized under the Conventional Articles, and from that Convention, he received the Superintendency of Georgetown Circuit, of which Pleasant Hill became a part. He was assisted this year by Rev. John Wilson and Rev. George Waddle, both of whom afterwards became Pastors.

He remained on the circuit till the fall of 1830. He afterwards filled many of the best appointments in the Church as Cincinnati, Louisville, Lebanon, and Xenia. He served several terms as President of the Ohio Conference and was elected a number of times as representative to General Conferences.

He wrote a pamphlet against Episcopacy in the form of questions and answers; the sale of this pamphlet amounted to one hundred thousand. He departed this life in Richwood, Union Co., Ohio, March 10th, 1873, aged seventy-nine years.

2nd Pastor, Rev. George Waddle

The Ohio Annual Conference convened again in Cincinnati at the end of September 1830 under the Conventional Articles and appointed Rev. George Waddle as Pastor of Georgetown Circuit, of which Pleasant Hill was still a part. He was also reappointed at the 3rd Annual Conference, which held its session in Zanesville, Ohio, in September 1831.

Therefore, he was the first appointed Pastor under the Constitution; which relation he held till the fall of 1832.

Brother Waddle had been an itinerant in the M. E. Church for a number of years but severed his relation with that church early in the year 1829 and went over to the Reform, and assisted Rev. Wm. B. Evans in organizing societies in Eastern Ohio till the autumn of 1829, when at the Convention of Cincinnati of that year he was appointed associate pastor of Georgetown Circuit under Wm. B. Evans.

Brother Waddle was a man of sterling ability, uncompromising in his convictions of right, but withal, he was retiring and modest. It was the writer’s privilege to hear him preach on one occasion; he was then a little past the prime of life. He preached in the grove just east of the church to an immense congregation. His subject was Daniel’s prophecies referring to the kingdoms represented in the great image, and the fifth kingdom represented in the stone cut out of the mountain without hands. It was the old story clothed in new and living ideas that were original and told in words that were driven into the hearts of his hearers by the Holy Ghost.

Physically, he was a noticeable man that would distinguish him from hundreds. He probably stood about six feet in height and would weigh two hundred pounds. There was a grace and reverence in every movement of his body and such a solemnity rested in his countenance that he would impress you with the thought that he was living in close communion with his God. He lived to a good old age and died in his pleasant home in Belmont Co., Ohio.

3rd Pastor, Rev. John Wilson

The fourth session of the Ohio Annual Conference was held in Pittsburgh, Pa., in September 1832. At this Conference, the Old Georgetown Circuit was divided into two circuits, known by the names of Deersville and Freeport Circuits. Pleasant Hill formed a part of the latter, and Rev. John Wilson was appointed Pastor.

Brother Wilson was born in Ireland, July 26, 1786. He was just the man for the times. All Reformers are men of firm convictions and unyielding to persecution. Such was Luther. Wilson was one of the Luthers who defended the Reform in the Methodist Church. And perhaps the Church at Pleasant Hill is as much indebted to Brother Wilson, in confirming it in the principles of reform, as any other man. The reasoning and persuasive powers of an Evans and a Waddle could organize them; but God sent a Wilson to confirm them.

He was a true shepherd and stood between his little flock and its enemies. He was a man of great native ability and physical endurance; in the latter, he was never excelled by any of his successors. He knew no personal danger, and his name throughout the West was a terror to evildoers. A volume of anecdotes and daring adventures might be written of this remarkable man, in planting churches, holding camp meetings, and defending the faith. Only one of these incidents I will relate as it was given to me in early life, by an eye-witness.

In the autumn of 1856, soon after I entered the Conference and was placed on Zanesville Circuit, I made my first visit to Roseville, a small village twelve miles southwest of Zanesville. I put up at the house of a brother Bailey, one of the original settlers of the place. My appointment was to be in the evening and Father Wilson had preached there that afternoon. He had also put up at Brother B’s for lodging and also to hear the young pastor at night. It was a stormy evening and Brother Bailey met me at the hitching place and invited me into the house as I was very chilly and cold, while he hitched up my horse.

I had heard from childhood of the Rev. John Wilson, but had never seen him before. He met me at the door and introduced himself in the following manner. “My name is Wilson, John Wilson; and you are the young preacher that is to preach for us tonight.” I answered in the affirmative. “Well,” said he, “I have the honor of preaching the first and the last sermon ever preached in Roseville.”

At the close of our services that evening, we all returned to Brother Bailey’s and Father Wilson soon retired, leaving Brother and Sister Bailey and myself alone. I mentioned our peculiar introduction, which led them to relate the following circumstances:

Roseville was first settled by a very rough and wicked class of citizens, who knew nothing about the gospel and cared less about knowing anything about it; and their detestation of anything good was so great that the community had actually held a meeting and had unanimously passed resolutions disallowing any minister of the Gospel the privilege of preaching in the town; the penalty for even attempting to preach was to be arrested, and treated to a brand new suit of tar and feathers, and rode out of town on a rail. After this, but few appointments were made, and these few, save one, never materialized; the one mentioned was that of a young Presbyterian minister, who suffered the penalty and went away a sadder, if not a wiser, man.

Wilson happened to be in the neighborhood, and hearing of the above circumstance, immediately went to the village and made the announcement that he would preach in the schoolhouse on a given evening. The news spread like fire, the people became excited, the night came, and they turned out in masse to see the fun.

Wilson came and took his place behind the teacher’s desk, and promptly opened the exercise by the reading of a hymn. He had only completed the first stanza when the regulators began to file in and move to the front, led by their chieftain with a three-cornered rail on his shoulders; following him was a man carrying a bucket of tar, and behind him was another with a sack of feathers under his arm, and at the heels of him were the rank and file of the clan.

The preacher stopped until the regulators came to the front, and then in an authoritative manner, he demanded of the leader what he was going to do with that rail, that bucket of tar, and that bag of feathers. He was answered in return by repeating the resolutions that had been unanimously passed in a general meeting of the denizens, that no preacher was allowed to preach the Gospel in that community, and they were there to enforce the resolution.

“Well,” said Wilson, “I have made the announcement that I would preach in this house tonight, and I must preach; and I must not be interrupted either, and the very first man that attempts it will get the full weight of that old Irish fist in his face” (as he exhibited it in a defiant manner).

There happened to be two great burly-looking Irishmen that were strangers present, probably they had been induced to come for fun, just like all the rest, but finding that Wilson was one of their countrymen, with all the grit of an Irishman, their national honor was aroused, and they took their position to the right and left of the preacher, and also told them that they believed that this John Wilson was an honest man, and that the first man that would dare to molest him would get their old Irish fists pumped square into his face.

“Now,” said Wilson, “put down that rail, and you that bucket of tar, and you that bag of feathers until I get through with my sermon and then you can do with me just as you please;” they did so. Wilson preached one of those soul-moving sermons that but few men were more capable of preaching; his congregation was soon melted into tears and sobs and groans were heard all over the house. He closed with a powerful prayer, and then to the surprise of everyone, made an unconditional surrender to the regulators, telling them that they could now do with John Wilson just as they pleased.

Their chief turned to his companions and said, “This is an honest and courageous man; let us invite him back to preach for us,” and they did; he held a protracted meeting and many souls were converted, including these very leaders, and a large and flourishing society was organized.

Brother Wilson had come to America in early life and had lost much of the brogue of his nationality, but always retained their eccentricities. He was a clear and logical thinker and expressed his thoughts with great ease. He died at his son’s home in Morgan County, Ohio, at the good old age of more than four score years.

4th Pastor, Rev. Moses Scott

Received his appointment from the Annual Conference which held its session in Cincinnati in September 1833. At this time the Ohio District was divided, the eastern part was called Pittsburgh District. He continued his pastorate one year only. He was a native of Ireland and was born about the year 1785. He immigrated to America when a young man.

His education was very limited, but he was a great reader, especially on the subject of Church Government, that was then agitating the Methodist people. Few in his day understood the principles of the controversy better than he. Many of his discourses in debating the questions with ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church were said to be very able. He loved debate and excelled in it.

As a preacher, he was plain and practical, excelling in exhortation. As a pastor, he was sought after, always successful in his work. After leaving this circuit, he spent the greater part of his itinerant life in the southern portion of the state where he died in a good old age, full of years and good works.

5th Pastor, Rev. Cornelius Woodruff

The first pastor by appointment from the Pittsburgh Conference which held its session in Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson County, Ohio, in September 1834. He continued his pastorate but one year. He was a descendant of Welsh parentage and was born near Elizabethtown, New Jersey, in the year 1762. His early instruction was received from the Quakers, the simplicity of which he retained through life. He was better educated than men in general of his day; he was polished and refined, seldom laughed or passed a joke, his countenance was grave, his dress was of the Puritan style.

He was not brilliant in his discourses but grave and thoughtful; he weighed every word and sentence. His outer walk was an index of a purer life within. Under his administration, the first church was built of hewed logs on the present site of Pleasant Hill. He lived to a good old age, beloved by all who knew him. We believe he died in or near Zanesville, Ohio.

6th Pastor, Rev. William Palferman

Received his appointment from the Pittsburgh Annual Conference which held its sessions in Steubenville, Ohio, in September 1835. At this Conference, the Pleasant Hill Circuit was formed of parts taken from Deersville and Tuscarawas Circuits and called Pleasant Hill. He remained on the circuit but one year. He was probably 30 years of age, an Englishman by birth, of medium height, but slender and delicate in appearance; tasty in dress, and a medium preacher. He soon afterward left the conference and our record closes.

7th Pastor, Rev. Daniel Pettie

Was pastor from the Annual Conference of 1836 till 1838, embracing a period of two years. He was a man in the prime of his life, tall, straight, and dignified; in the pulpit, he was graceful. He was more than a medium preacher in those days; he spoke with great ease and fluency. His first year’s labor was greatly blessed; the churches were strengthened and built up.

The second year was attended with some difficulty which finally led to great dissatisfaction. The difficulty had its origin in the anti-slavery movement which began to be agitated at this time. Pettie was way beyond the masses of common people of those days and firmly took the side of God and right. This did not suit the people; they were not yet educated to take the part of the oppressed. He was finally driven from the ministry in our church for conscience’s sake.

8th Pastor, Rev. William L. Baldwin

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit, received his appointment from the Pittsburgh Conference which held its session in Lancaster, Ohio, in September 1838. His pastorate at this time continued for one year. In 1842, the Pittsburgh Conference held its session in Mt. Vernon, O. Here the District was divided and the western part was called the Muskingum District. At this Conference, Br. Baldwin was again appointed as pastor to this Circuit but his labors again ended with the first year.

He was again appointed as pastor by the conference in 1844 which he again retained for one year. In 1864, he was again appointed as assistant pastor under the Rev. James H. Freese, Superintendent. In 1865, he was again appointed pastor which also terminated with one year. Again in 1867, he was appointed assistant under Rev. James H. Freese. Again in 1868, he was appointed pastor, which he retained one year. Again in 1876, he was appointed assistant pastor under Rev. Samuel Lancaster.

Brother Baldwin was born in Orange County, Vermont, August 8, 1809. He entered the itinerancy of the M.P. Church in Wheeling in 1837 and was appointed to Pleasant Hill in 1838, the second year of his ministry. He was then a young man of 29. He is still living at the date of this writing (March 5, 1888) in his seventy-ninth year. He is a healthy and vigorous old man and bids fair to live for many years yet (God grant it). He is now on the Superannuated list. As a preacher, Br. Baldwin never rose to dizzy heights or sank below a medium. He is a grand old man and has done a grand good work.

9th Pastor, Rev. Thomas Foster

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1839 to September 1840. He was a man in the decline of life and very corpulent, probably weighing over three hundred pounds. He was but a medium preacher but Pleasant Hill enjoyed one of her greatest revivals during his administration, assisted by a Rev. Richerson. He died shortly after leaving the circuit.

10th Pastor, Rev. William McConnel

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1840 till September 1841. He was a native of Ireland, a grand good preacher, but nothing of interest transpired this year.

11th Pastor, Rev. Nathaniel Linder

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from 1841 till 1842. Linder was a man in the prime of life, nervous in his temperament. He was a fine-looking man, quick in motion, spoke fluently but very correctly. Shortly after leaving the circuit he went west.

12th Pastor, Rev. William L. Baldwin

From September 1842 till September 1843.

13th Pastor, Rev. Thomas Fairchilds

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1843 till September 1844. He was a native of Ireland, a man of more than ordinary ability; he was a very deliberate and forceful speaker. But he was in ill health and died soon after on his farm near Cambridge, Ohio.

14th Pastor, Rev. William Boardman

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from the Annual Conference of September 1844 till September 1845. He was a native of England and very poorly prepared for the work. At the following conference, he was transferred to the unstationed list. He died in Sharpsburg, Pa., in 1874.

15th Pastor, Rev. Charles Caddy

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1845 till September 1846. He was a polished and good preacher, loved and respected by all. At the close of this year, he was transferred to the Ohio Conference in which he still retains his ministerial relation as an honored member. He is on the Superannuated list and lives in Lima, Ohio, where he owns property. In 1868, he wrote a little volume entitled the Life and Times of Rev. Robert Dobbins.

16th Pastor, Rev. Zechariah Ragan

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1846 till 1847. Brother Ragan was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, on February 22, 1804. He joined the ministry of the M.P. Church with the organization of the Ohio Conference in 1829. He departed this life in Steubenville on November 27, 1875, in his seventy-second year. In 1840, he was elected President, also in 1844 and 1845, he was again elected in 1848. In 1862, he went out as Chaplain of the 25th Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In 1863, he was appointed by the President of the United States, Hospital Chaplain of the regular army. The Civil War being over, in 1867 he was transferred to the Pittsburgh Conference. In 1868, he was again appointed Chaplain in the regular army, which position he held until his death.

Physically, he was a powerful man, a grand orator, a clear thinker, and a forceful speaker. He received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity many years before his death.

17th Pastor, Rev. J. W. Case

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1847 till September 1848. Br. Case was born near Goshen, New York, in October 1808 and departed this life in York, Medina County, Ohio in the 69th year of his life. He was buried in the Hartford Cemetery in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, beside his wife who had preceded him to the spirit world. He joined the conference in 1841. He was finely educated and one of our very best pastors. He filled some of our best stations such as Steubenville and Toronto. Pleasant Hill was graciously blessed with revivals during his pastorate.

18th Pastor, Rev. William Tipton

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1848 till September 1849. His age was about 30. Genteel in his appearance, he had a soft musical voice, never clamorous. He was reserved to a fault, never was appreciated according to his worth. At the close of this year, he was transferred to one of the Western Conferences and is still living as far as we know (March 6th, 1888).

19th Pastor, Rev. William Remsburgh

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1849 till September 1851, embracing a period of two years. Br. Remsburgh was born in the State of Maryland on October 23, 1813. At the close of his labors on this circuit, he was transferred to the Iowa Conference where he has risen to eminence. He was a safe man, a good pastor, and preacher; he is yet living in that Conference (March 6, 1888). Pleasant Hill was blessed under his labors.

20th Pastor, Rev. Henry Lawson

Pastor of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1851 till September 1852, embracing a period of one year. He was born near Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, on April 4th, 1815. He joined the Conference in September 1841. He was traveling Logan Circuit when he died on June 7th, 1880, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. He was an earnest, good worker.

21st Pastor, Rev. Thomas Potter

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1852 till September 1854, embracing a period of two years. We have no record of either the beginning or ending of this most remarkable man. He was probably born about the year 1795 in England. He emigrated to this country, but when we don’t know. He became identified with the Methodist Protestant Church, but how we don’t know. As a preacher of the gospel, he had no peers from among all the pastors who have served the circuit and no superiors in the Conference. While laboring on this circuit, his wife died, and her body rests in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Yet with all his intellect, life with him appears to have been a failure. At the close of his labors here, he moved to Illinois and, failing to get work in our Church, he joined the Lutheran and died in straitened circumstances.

22nd Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Jack

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1854 till September 1856, embracing a period of two years. He was a very weak brother and was finally put on the unstationed list. He died near Attica, Seneca County, Ohio in October 1859.

23rd Pastor, Rev. James Freese

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1856 till September 1859, embracing a period of three years. Brother Freese was born in Cambria County, Pennsylvania on June 11th, 1811, and departed this life in great peace on July 19, 1886, at his home in Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, after preaching in our church for 41 years. He always maintained an unblemished character and stood fair in the conference. He was again appointed as pastor of this circuit in 1863 and 1864, and again in 1867, making in all seven years. He was a careful, good man, a fair preacher, and did much good.

24th Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Bidison

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1859 till September 1860, embracing a period of one year. He was a good preacher, he moved to Kansas and died.

25th Pastor, Rev. Jefferson Sears

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1860 till September 1862, embracing a period of two years. Brother Sears was born in Loudoun County, Virginia in August 1805 and departed this life at his home near McConnelsville, Ohio on April 1st, 1877. Brother Sears joined the Conference in 1843. At his death, he bequeathed his property to the church at the death of his wife. Brother Sears was one of our best preachers.

26th Pastor, Rev. John McFarlen

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1862 till September 1863, embracing a period of one year. He was born and educated in Ireland, he came to this country when a young man but could never adapt himself to American customs.

27th Pastor, Rev. James H. Freese

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from 1863 till 1865, embracing a period of two years.

28th Pastor, Rev. William L. Baldwin

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1865 till September 1866, embracing a period of one year.

29th Pastor, Rev. Reuban Reynolds

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1866 till 1867, embracing a period of one year. He received the appointment again in 1869, in 1870, 1871, and 1872, making in all four years. He again received the appointment in 1874, making in all six years as pastor of this circuit. He was esteemed by all as a good man, very zealous in his work and was gifted with an extraordinary talent for exhortation. For preaching, he was poorly qualified, but his work on this circuit has proven to be a good and lasting one. The Conference eventually placed him on the unstationed list. He is now (1888) a local minister of Belmont Circuit.

30th Pastor, Rev. James H. Freese

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1867 till September 1868, embracing a period of one year.

31st Pastor, Rev. William L. Baldwin

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1868 till September 1869, embracing a period of one year.

32nd Pastor, Rev. Reuban Reynolds

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1869 till September 1873, embracing a period of four years.

33rd Pastor, Rev. Ezekiel S. Hogland

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1873 till September 1874, embracing a period of one year. He received the appointment again in 1879, which he retained till September 1881, embracing a period of two years, making a total of three years’ pastorate. Brother Hogland was deservedly one of the most popular ministers that ever traveled the circuit, notwithstanding he was in the decline of life; perhaps they have had more correct thinkers, deeper and more profound theologians, and grander orators than he; for it must be acknowledged, as a thinker and theologian, he was not the equal of Woodruff or Potter. As an orator, he was far below Ragan, but in the fire of his soul was to be found his power, and in this, he excelled them all. His delicacy of manners and tenderness of heart were almost feminine; he never visited a family but what he left it better, and with a desire to have him return.

It was the writer’s privilege to preach his funeral, and as I gazed on the face of the dead, I could not help thinking that a great man in Israel had fallen.

Brother Hogland was born in Summerville, State of New Jersey, on June 26, 1814. He departed this life in Steubenville, Ohio, on October 25, 1883, in the 70th year of his age. He joined the conference in 1841. In 1861, when treason endangered the life of our Republic, and the government called her sons to its rescue, that call to him was the call of his God. He immediately resigned the pastorate of Pisgah Circuit and enlisted in defense of his country, where he remained till peace and union were restored to the government. He went out as captain in the 9th Ohio Cavalry and as such was in that ever-mobile siege of Knoxville, Tennessee. After this, he was appointed Chaplain and continued in this relation till the close of the war.

34th Pastor, Rev. Reuban Reynolds

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1874 till September 1875, embracing a period of one year.

35th Pastor, Rev. Samuel Lancaster

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1875 till September 1877, embracing a period of two years. He was one of the old preachers of the conference, common and plain in presenting the truth. He was born in Baltimore County, Maryland, on November 3rd, 1818. He is still living in his home near Nashport, Muskingum County, Ohio. (1888)

36th Pastor, Rev. J. D. Murphey

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1877 till September 1879, embracing a period of two years. Brother Murphey is one of our good preachers; perhaps a little too much confined to his manuscripts for country congregations; but withal, he is very careful, and an excellent preacher. He was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, on October 26th, 1843, and joined the conference in 1872.

37th Pastor, Rev. Ezekiel S. Hogland

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1879 till September 1881, embracing a period of two years.

38th Pastor, Rev. Oliver Louther

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1881 till September 1883, embracing a period of two years. He came to our conference with a letter from the West Virginia Conference in 1877. He was born in Ritchie County, West Virginia, on August 23, 1842. He was a fair preacher, had a good delivery, but his loyalty to the church was doubted by many. He took his letter and went back to the West Virginia Conference in 1887.

39th Pastor, Rev. Robert A. Louther

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1883 till September 1885, embracing a period of two years. He was a brother of Oliver, his predecessor. He came from the West Virginia Conference in 1877, and was born on August 3rd, 1851, in Ritchie County, West Virginia. He was not a brilliant man, his loyalty to the Church was always questioned. He went over to the M. E. Church in 1887.

40th Pastor, Rev. William S. Sears

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit from September 1885 till September 1886, embracing a period of one year. He was born in Belmont County, Ohio, on October 6th, 1820. He joined the Conference in 1847. Being a descendant of one of the staunch reformers of the Church, he is loyal to the cause, to the Church, and all her interests. Such men are always safe. He had not the advantages of an early education, but he had principle and a very large stock of good common sense, and is a good preacher and a good man.

41st Pastor, Rev. M. V. Shuman

Of Pleasant Hill Circuit, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, on November 13th, 1853. He joined the Conference in 1881. He passed an excellent examination; has obtained his education by his own industry. He is one of the rising young men of the Conference. He received his appointment to this Circuit in September 1886 till 1890.


Hastings, William B., Copy of a record book of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in Washington Township, Guernsey County, Ohio, Lima, Ohio : Longsworth, 1953.

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