Biography of Samuel M. Burgess

History of Guernsey County Ohio vol 2

Samuel M. Burgess was a prominent figure in financial, civic, and social circles of Cambridge, Ohio, where he spent his life. He was the president of the Citizens Savings Bank Company and managed his father’s manufacturing business. A public-spirited citizen, he served in the city council and as a cemetery trustee. He was also a member of the Masonic order and received several degrees, including the thirty-second degree in Scioto Consistory. Mr. Burgess had a large and diversified interest in city and farm properties, and he and his wife spent several months every summer in their summer house in northern Michigan.

Biography of Perry Peck

Centennial History vol 2 title page

Perry Peck is the owner of one of the fine farms of Licking county, having one hundred acres of valuable land in Harrison township about three miles from Pataskala. Upon his place he has all modern equipment known to the model farm of the twentieth century and here he is extensively engaged in stock-raising, making a specialty of American Merino sheep, Jersey cows and Duroc Jersey Red hogs. His business interests, most carefully conducted, are proving to him a profitable source of revenue. Mr. Peck was born in Union township, this county, May 2, 1854. His paternal grandparents were Solomon … Read more