E. E. Vernier. — The recent controversy which has become widespread throughout the country in regard to the emoluments granted the educational profession is one that has established the fact that the interest taken in our educators is national and that regardless of the compensation which they receive their value to society is recognized and their worth in the development of future citizenship cannot be surpassed. In many intelligent communities the citizens have evidenced their appreciation of the value of educators by elevating them to positions of public trust and responsibility, notably at Stryker, Ohio, where E. E. Vernier, a teacher for two decades and the incumbent of the chair of mathematics in the Stryker High School, has been elected mayor of the city.
Mayor Vernier was born on a farm in Springfield Township, Williams County, September 5, 1883, a son of C. H. and Camilla (Guiman) Vernier. His father, born in Springfield Township, December 31, 1852, has been a resident of the rural districts all his life and still continues to be engaged in threshing work. He is a republican in his political views, and he and Mrs. Vernier, a native of Defiance County, Ohio, are members of the Plymouth Brethren faith. They are parents of four children: E. E.; Lendall, a conductor on the T. & I. Railroad; Asa, storekeeper at the car shops of that company; and Blanche, a graduate of the Stryker High School and the Bowling Green Normal School, who is teaching in the public schools of Stryker. E. E. Vernier attended the district schools of Springfield Township and the Stryker High School, following which he took normal work at the Ohio State University and Miami University. He began, teaching in 1901, and after some experience in the rural districts began his work in the schools of Stryker in 1911, eventually being given the chair of mathematics in the Stryker High School. He was and is still known as one of the most capable and popular instructors this community has known and during his long experience as a molder of the minds of youth has formed many lasting friendships with parents and pupils, as well as with school officials and fellow educators. A republican in his political allegiance, he has long taken an interest in public affairs, and served as clerk of Stryker and Springfield townships for three terms. His official record in this position showed that he was of mayoralty timber, and November 4, 1919, he was the successful candidate for his party for the office of chief executive of Stryker, to which position he was elected by a gratifying majority. Mr. Vernier is fraternally affiliated with Stryker Lodge, No. 432, Knights of Pythias, of which he is past chancellor, while Mrs. Vernier belongs to the Pythian Sisters. Their religious connection is with the Methodist Episcopal Church and their pleasant home is located on North Defiance Street.
Mayor Vernier married Miss Gertrude Juillard and they are the parents of two children, Vivienne May, born in 1910, and Robert Juillard, born in 1920.
Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.