Guy Mignin.— The life of Guy Mignin, of Stryker, has been such as to elicit just praise from those who know him best, owing to the fact that he has always been true to every trust reposed in him and has been upright in his dealings with his fellow men, at the same time lending his support to the advancement of any cause looking to the welfare of the community at large.
Guy Mignin was born in Stryker, Ohio, on March 30, 1881, and is the son of Frederick and Anna (Bostetter) Mignin, both of whom were natives of Springfield Township, Williams County, the father born in 1846 and the mother in 1856. Frederick Mignin was reared on the paternal farmstead and secured his education in the public schools. About the time he attained his majority he went to Chicago, where he obtained employment as a fireman on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, that being during the period when wood was used almost exclusively on railroad engines in the West. Later he was employed for a year in a lumber yard at Chicago, and at the end of that time he returned to Williams County and engaged in the lumber business on his own account. At that time Mr. Mignin gave special attention to walnut lumber, which was very plentiful in this locality. He was successful in this enterprise, so that he was soon able to buy and remodel the sawmill, making it one of the best in this section of the state, and this mill has been in operation ever since in the manufacture of hardwood lumber. During the later years of his life he was in poor health, though he continued to look after the details of his business affairs until within a few months of his death. At the time of his death he still owned enough standing timber to keep the mill running for several years. At the time of Mr. Mignin’s death, which occurred on August 22, 1911, the entire community suffered an irreparable loss, for he had been one of the sterling characters of the community and had enjoyed the highest degree of confidence and regard. A man of high moral character, unimpeacheable integrity, persistent industry and excellent business judgment, he stood “four square to every wind that blows,” and in all his business affairs his word was considered as good as his bond.
Guy Mignin was reared in Stryker and educated in its public schools. In about 1898 he became identified with the lumber business, of which he assumed complete control on the death of his father. He also has general oversight of two farms which his father left in Springfield Township. Mr. Mignin gained invaluable business experience under his father and possesses those qualities which make for success. With a keen insight into trade conditions, and energetic in the handling of his products, he has been very successful in his management of the mill, while as a manager of the farms he has exhibited progressiveness and practical ideas which have stamped him as a man of versatile ability.
Mr. Mignin was married to Mable Henning on March 18, 1903, and they have two children, Anna and Jeanne. Mrs. Mignin is a graduate of the Stryker High School, class of 1900, and she had taught for one year in the schools of Brady Township prior to her marriage.
Fraternally, Mr. Mignin is a member of Evansport Lodge, No. 511, Free and Accepted Masons; Bryan Chapter, No. 45, Royal Arch Masons; Defiance Commandery of Scottish Rite and Zenobia Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Stryker Lodge, No. 432, Knights of Pythias, and he and his wife hold membership in Evansport Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Politically, Mr. Mignin has always given his support to the democratic party. Because of his business ability and his splendid qualities of character, he enjoys to a pronounced degree the good will and esteem of all who know him.
Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.