Biography of George G. Bloom

George G. Bloom, born on November 20, 1863, in Pulaski Township, Williams County, Ohio, was a prominent and progressive farmer in Springfield Township. Son of Daniel W. and Elizabeth (Truxill) Bloom, George owned 303 acres of prime farmland. On February 25, 1883, he married Mary Wibirt, and they had four children: Clarence, Emmett, Ford, and Celia. George was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Masonic Order, and a staunch Republican. His life was marked by industriousness and community service, earning him high esteem among his peers.

George G. Bloom. — The subject of this review enjoys prestige among the citizens of the Township of Springfield, Williams County, where he has spent a life of unusual industry, which has been crowned with success, and as a neighbor and citizen he is highly esteemed by all who know him. He earned the right to be called one of the progressive men of his community, having fought his way onward and upward to a position of honor in the circles in which he has moved and in every relation of life his voice and his influence have been on the side of right.

George G. Bloom, who is the owner of 303 acres of excellent farming land in sections 17, 18 and 19, Springfield Township, about five and a half miles east of Bryan, was born in Pulaski Township, this county, on November 20, 1863, and is a son of Daniel W. and Elizabeth (Truxill) Bloom, the latter of whom was born in Huron County, Ohio, on February 7, 1834. Daniel W. Bloom was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania, on November 11, 1832, and at the age of seven years was taken by his parents to Richland County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. The family were in poor financial circumstances at that period and the subject’s education was necessarily somewhat neglected, though he succeeded in learning to read and write. Eventually he married and settled in Huron County, Ohio, where he gave his attention to farming for a few years. In 1856 he moved to Williams County and located in the north central part of Pulaski Township, where he bought forty acres of timber land, to the clearing and ditching of which he gave his attention. He was poor in this world’s goods and made ax handles as a source of ready cash, while his farm labors were being prosecuted. Eventually he was able to sell the forty-acre tract for $500 more than he paid for it, and then bought forty acres in another location, on which he lived for five years, selling it also at a very good’ advance in price. He then moved to Huron County, where for a short time he was engaged in farming, but he then bought eighty acres comprising a part of what is now known as the Bloom farm in Springfield Township, Williams County, and there he lived until his death, which occurred on March 7, 1912. He was a republican in his political views and was a strong supporter of all moral and benevolent movements. Of the three children born to him and his wife, but one is now living, George G.

George G. Bloom was reared in Pulaski and Springfield townships and received his educational training in the district schools. He was reared to the life of a farmer and has never forsaken that vocation. He has devoted his energies and best faculties to the intelligent operation of his farm and has been eminently successful in his efforts, being numbered among the enterprising, progressive and substantial farmers of his section of the county.

On February 25, 1883, Mr. Bloom was married to Mary Wibirt, who was born in Springfield Township, Williams County, on June 5, 1865, the daughter of Joseph Wibirt, a native of New York “State. To Mr. and Mrs. Bloom have been born four children, namely: Clarence A., who is unmarried and at home, is a member of Bryan Lodge No. 215, Free and Accepted Masons, and Northwest Chapter No. 45, Royal Arch Masons; Emmett E., who married Mildred Radabaugh and they have two children, Verl and Robert; Ford M., who is a member of Stryker Lodge, Knights of Pythias, is a veteran of the World war, having been first with the Eighty-Fourth Division, after which he was transferred to Company G. Three Hundred and Sixtieth Regiment, of the Ninetieth Division; he fought in the Argonne drive, was later in the Army of Occupation, was wounded and confined in eight hospitals, and was finally mustered out on June 15. 1919; Celia E. is a student in the high school at Stryker.

Mr. Bloom and all the members of his family are affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Politically, Mr. Bloom is an earnest supporter of the republican party. Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic Order, belonging to lodge, chapter, council and commandery, and also holds membership in Zenobia Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Toledo, Ohio.

He has acted well his part in life and, while primarily interested in advancing his own interests, he has not been unmindful of his obligations to the community and has consistently supported every movement for the advancement of the general welfare. Because of his success and his high character he enjoys the esteem and confidence of all who know him.

Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.

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