David Shaffer. — One of the careful agriculturists and respected citizens of Pulaski Township, Williams County, is David Shaffer, a man whose history furnishes a splendid example of what may be accomplished through determined purpose, laudable ambition and well-directed efforts. Starting in life at the bottom of the ladder, he has steadily worked his way upward, winning success in his chosen field of endeavor and gaining the public confidence, which he has retained through careful “hewing to the line” in all the relations which he has sustained with his fellow men.
David Shaffer was born on October 30, 1861, on the farm which he now owns and operates, and he is the son of David, Sr., and Mary A. (Smith) Shaffer. These parents were born in Maryland, and were reared and married in that state, living there for a time after their union. They came to Crawford County, Ohio, and, sometime later, located in Williams County, where they spent the remainder of their lives, engaged in farming pursuits. They became the parents of eight children, of which number six are now living, namely: Michael P., of West Unity, this county; Silas, of Pulaski Township; Mary, the wife of Henry Updyke, of West Unity; David, the subject of this review; Charles, of Bryan, and Cora, the wife of Henry Fifer, of Toledo, Ohio. David Shaffer, Sr., was a democrat in his political views and was a member of the Reformed Church.
David Shaffer, Jr., remained during his youth on the home farm and attended the district school. When about twenty-five years of age, he started out on his own account and has been successful in his efforts. With no one to materially assist him, he has gradually forged ahead during the years and is now the owner of 284 acres of splendid farming land, all of which he has acquired through his persevering labors, and this land he is cultivating with good judgment and excellent discrimination, so that he is enabled to realize good returns for his labor. In addition to general farming, he also gives some attention to the raising of live stock, in which also prosperity has attended his efforts. Besides his farming interests, Mr. Shaffer also owns an interest in the Farmers Grain Elevator at Pulaski. He is public spirited and gives his support to every measure which promises to advance the material, civic or moral interests of his community.
Mr. Shaffer was married to Dana Rosendaul, a native of Pulaski Township, and they are the parents of two sons, Dale V., a traveling salesman, who married Ethel Faulk and lives at Akron, Ohio, and Fay, who is farming in Pulaski Township.
Mr. Shaffer is a stanch supporter of the republican party. Genial and unassuming in his manner, nevertheless he possesses to a marked degree those qualities of mind and character which have gained for him the confidence and good will of all who know him.
Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.