G. Grant Stahl, born on June 16, 1880, in Perry County, Pennsylvania, is the proprietor of the Montpelier Creamery in Williams County, Ohio. After gaining extensive experience in the creamery business across Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Stahl purchased the Montpelier Creamery in 1910, growing it into a reputable establishment known for its Rose brand butter and milk supply. He owns significant property, including the creamery building, his residence, and an 80-acre farm. Married to Florence Rickey in 1908, they have seven children. Stahl is active in the Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, the Republican Party, and various Masonic orders.

G. Grant Stahl. — Specific mention is made of many of the worthy citizens of Williams County within the pages of this work, citizens who have figured in the business interests of this favored locality, and who have been and still are identified with its various phases of progress, each contributing in his sphere of action to the well-being of the community in which he resides and to the advancement of its normal and legitimate growth. Among this number is G. Grant Stahl, proprietor of the Montpelier Creamery and a man who has made an excellent impression upon all with whom he has come in contact. Mr. Stahl was born in Perry County, Pennsylvania, on June 16, 1880, and is the son of David and Adora (Bastress) Stahl. Both of these parents were also natives of the Keystone state, the father having been born in Perry County and the mother in Juniata County. After their marriage they located on a farm in Perry County, where the mother still lives, her husband having met his death by accident in 1910. They became the parents of nine children, of which number five are still living, as follows: Leona, the wife of Charles Bailer; B. M., of Mount Wolfe, Pennsylvania; Eva, the wife of J. W. Worstall, of New Hope, Bucks County, Pennsylvania; Bertha, the wife of John Bailer, of Newport, Perry County, Pennsylvania, and G. Grant.
G. Grant Stahl was reared under the parental roof until he was sixteen years of age, and attended school some, though in the main his education was seriously neglected. However, he was ambitious to make up for this deficiency and applied himself closely to study at night, in addition to which he took a course of study with the International Correspondence School of Scranton, Pennsylvania. His labors had been mostly at farm work until the age of sixteen years, at which time he went to Cranberry, New Jersey, and became identified with the creamery business, being employed with the Middlesex Dairy Company for six years. During the following year he was similarly employed at Allentown, New Jersey, and then he spent three years at Buckmanville, Pennsylvania, where he was manager of the Bucks County Creamery Company. He was next manager of a creamery at Stockton, New Jersey, but at the end of a year he became head clerk in a department store at Millerstown, Pennsylvania, holding that position also one year. His next engagement was as manager of a creamery at Elverston, Chester County, Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1905, when he came to Montpelier, Williams County, as manager of the local creamery. In 1910 Mr. Stahl bought the creamery and has conducted it continuously since. Because of the excellence of the products, prompt service and courteous treatment, Mr. Stahl has built the business up to gratifying proportions and it is now numbered among the best creameries in this section of the state. Mr. Stahl manufactures the Rose brand of butter and supplies the major portion of Montpelier with milk.
Mr. Stahl has been successful in all his business affairs and has accumulated some valuable property, being the owner of the creamery building, his own residence and eighty acres of excellent farm land in Superior Township, about two miles west of Montpelier. He is also a stockholder in the Montpelier National Bank.
Mr. Stahl was married in March, 1908, to Florence Rickey, of Montpelier, and they are the parents of seven children, Estel, Kenneth, Blanche, Alva, May, Georgia and Lloyd. Mr. Stahl and his family are identified with the Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, while, politically, he gives his support to the republican party. Fraternally, he is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, belonging to Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council at Montpelier and to Defiance Commandery, No. 30, Knights Templar, at Defiance, Ohio. He is public spirited and takes a keen interest in affairs affecting the community, rendering effective service as a member of the board of public service of the Village of Montpelier. In relation to life’s activities he has performed his full part and today he occupies an enviable position in the confidence and esteem of the people.
Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.