Biography of Horace D. Boynton of Pulaski Township Ohio

Explore the enduring legacy of Horace D. Boynton, a dedicated farmer and stock raiser from Williams County, whose life’s work on Fairview Stock Farm showcased his deep roots and contributions to agriculture. Born and raised on the same land he would cultivate, Horace’s commitment to breeding Shorthorn cattle, Hampshire hogs, and grade horses reflected both a family tradition and a personal passion. His story, interwoven with community engagement and a legacy of success, highlights the impact one individual can have on their local heritage and the agricultural community at large.

Horace D. Boynton. — The true measure of individual success is determined by what one has accomplished, and, as taken in contradistinction to the old adage that a prophet is not without honor save in his own country, there is a particular interest attached to the career of the subject of this review, since he is a native son of Williams County, where his entire life has been passed, and he has so directed his ability and efforts as to gain recognition as one of the representative farmers and stock raisers of the county, as well as one of its most public-spirited citizens.

Horace D. Boynton, proprietor of Fairview Stock Farm, in Pulaski Township, one-half mile east of Pulaski, was born on the farm which he now owns, on December 11, 1869, and is a son of Charles and Catherine (Kennedy) Boynton, the latter of whom was born in Ashland County, Ohio. Charles Boynton was born in the State of Maine, whence he came to Williams County when about seven years of age, with his father, A. W. Boynton, who entered land here and also ran a store in Pulaski. He was active in political affairs of the county and served two terms as a member of the Board of County Commissioners of Williams County. His son, Charles, was reared in Pulaski, attended the district schools and assisted his father in the store. At that time their goods was freighted by ox team from Toledo, and the subject of this sketch has in his possession two of the yokes used then. After leaving the store, he returned to the farm. After his marriage he began keeping house where the subject of this sketch now lives, and where he spent the remainder of his days. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and served on its official board. In politics he was a republican. He was successful in his business affairs and, besides general farming, he was a successful breeder of Short-horn cattle. To him and his wife were born five children, namely: Alpheus, who is an oil-well driller in California; Herman, who runs a music store and sewing machine agency in Bryan; Horace D., the immediate subject of this sketch; Dora, the wife of Edwin Reed, of Bryan; and Josephine, who lives in Bryan.

Horace D. Boynton was reared on the paternal farmstead and secured his education in the public schools of Pulaski. He has always followed farming and stock raising and has been successful in both lines. He is the owner of 146 acres of land, in addition to which he also farms 120 acres belonging to his mother. He has given special attention to the breeding and raising of Shorthorn cattle, Hampshire hogs and grade horses. His herd of cattle is headed by “Elmherst Stamp,” which was shown in six county fairs in 1919, winning many ribbons, and two other members of the herd have not been defeated. Mr. Boynton is a director of the Farm Bureau of Pulaski Township, being a member of the state organization, and he is also a director of the Williams County Fair Association.

Mr. Boynton was married to Josephine Knipe, who was born and reared in Fulton County, Ohio, and to them have been born two children, Charles and Hubert, both of whom are attending school.

Politically, Mr. Boynton gives his support to the republican party. Fraternally, he is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, holding membership in the Blue Lodge, the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, the Council of Royal and Select Masters, and Defiance Commander, No. 31, Knights Templar. He has, through the exercise of good judgment, energetic efforts and sound business ability, gained not only a gratifying prosperity, but also the confidence and high regard of all who know him.

Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.

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