Biography of M. M. Cameron of Jefferson Township Ohio

M. M. Cameron. — Among the earnest and enterprising men whose depth of character has gained him a prominent place in the community and the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens, is M. M. Cameron, farmer and stock raiser of Jefferson Township. A man of decided views and laudable ambition, his influence has ever made for the advancement of his community and in the vocation to which his energies have been devoted through a long lapse of successful years he ranks among the successful farmers of the community.

M. M. Cameron, who operates a well cultivated and productive farm in section 23, Jefferson Township, about three and a half miles southwest of West Unity, was born in Tiffin Township, Defiance County, Ohio, on April 26, 1865, and is the son of Milton and Mary P. (Porter) Cameron. Milton Cameron was born in Wayne County, Ohio, but in boyhood was taken to Defiance County, where he was reared to manhood. His death occurred at Evansport, Ohio. He was an active supporter of the democratic party and served one term as trustee of Tiffin Township. To him and his wife were born two children, the subject of this review and an elder brother, Elmer P., who was born on August 13, 1855, and who died on March 4, 1874.

M. M. Cameron was reared to manhood on the paternal homestead in Tiffin Township, Defiance County, and secured his elementary education in the district schools of that township, which he supplemented by attendance at the Valparaiso Normal School, at Valparaiso, Indiana. He remained on the farm for two years thereafter, and some time later he returned to the home farm. In 1910 he sold that place and in March of that year came to Williams County and bought the eighty acres of land which now comprises his excellent farm in section 23, Jefferson Township. This place is well improved in every respect, the buildings being of an attractive character and conveniently arranged, while the general appearance of the place indicates the owner to be a man of good judgment and excellent taste. Since coming here he has devoted himself closely to his farm work, in connection with which he gives due attention to the raising of live stock, and in both of these lines he has met with satisfactory success.

On November 18, 1886, Mr. Cameron was married to Alwilda Swank, who was born in Adams Township, Defiance County, Ohio, on November 6, 1876, and who was educated in the district schools and the Stryker High School. Their union has been blessed by the birth of two children, Arthur W. and Milton, the latter of whom married Florence Stipe and lives in Brady Township. Arthur W. Cameron, who was born on November 12, 1887, was in the United States service during the World war, having been sent first to Camp Taylor, and later transferred to camp at New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, where he was discharged.

Fraternally, M. M. Cameron is a member of Superior Lodge No. 174, Free and Accepted Masons; Ensawaksa Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and Defiance Commandery No. 30, Knights Templar. Arthur W. is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to the lodge and encampment at Bryan. Politically, Mr. Cameron gives his support to the democratic party. He has been a close observer of modern methods and is a student at all times of whatever pertains to his life work, and he has therefore met with encouraging success all along the line. Because of his success and his sterling qualities of character, he well merits the enviable position which he holds in the estimation of his fellow citizens.

Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.

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