Bryan Corporation – Extracts from Official Records

In pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, entitled “An act to incorporate certain towns therein named,” passed March 7, A. D. 1849, notice for an election was duly made public.

In pursuance of this notice an election was held June 15, 1849, at which the following named persons voted:

D. H. Barton
William I. Bowlby*
Charles Case*
Volney Crocker*
Levi Cunningham
Jonathan Davis*
Joshua Dobbs*
Jacob Eberly
Edward Foster*
Joseph Fulton
Daniel Hall
John B. Jones*
Allendy Jump*
John Kaufman
Joseph Kaufman
George Keckler*
Benjamin Kent*
Stephen Kent
John G. Kissell
Daniel Langel
C. Mattison
William McKean
I. K. Morrow*
Leonard Naftzger*
Jacob Over*
John Paul
S. Paul
Milton B. Plummor*
Samuel Roodky*
Louis Rose
A. M. Rowles*
James L. Rowly*
Benjamin Schmachtenberger*
Thomas Serrels
George Snelling
L. B. Silver*
J. S. Thompson
A. J. Tressler*
John Will*
William Yates*
Charles Young
J. G. Young
Jacob Youse*

Total forty-two votes.

At this election:

Charles Case, Mayor
John Will, Recorder
Jacob Youse, William Yates, E. Foster, Thomas Serrels and Jacob Over, Trustees.

The Trustees appointed:

John K. Morrow, Marshal
Benjamin Schmachtenberger. Treasurer.

Of the Trustees or Councilmen chosen at this first election, all survive, and are now residents of Bryan, excepting Thomas Serrels.

At the election held April 3, 1882, 676 votes were cast, and the following municipal officers were elected, viz.:

William O. Johnston, Mayor
John P. Woods, Clerk
George E. Coy, Treasurer
John B. Jones, Marshal
J. E. Daily, Street Commissioner
Benjamin F. Bostater, James P. Day and John Niederaur, Councilmen
A. C. Dillman, Cemetery Trustee.

Councilmen holding over, D. A. Garver, John W. Nelson and John Yates.

  • These persons were still living in 1881.

Source: Weston A. Goodspeed, Charles Blanchard; County of Williams, Ohio; F. A. Battey & Company, Publishers, Chicago, 1882.

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