Biography of Dr. Glen Biddle

Dr. Glen Biddle, born on August 19, 1889, in Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio, is a distinguished veterinary surgeon in Bryan, Williams County, Ohio. He graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College and the University of Toronto in 1910. Since 1911, Dr. Biddle has successfully practiced in Bryan, earning a strong reputation in his field. He actively promotes livestock improvement as secretary and treasurer of the Williams County Holstein Breeders’ Company. Married to Iva Bard, Dr. Biddle is also a member of the Bryan Masonic Lodge and a supporter of the Republican Party.

Dr. Glen Biddle. — One of the best known and most successful veterinary surgeons in Northwestern Ohio is Dr. Glen Biddle, of Bryan, Williams County, where he has been engaged in the active practice of his profession since 1911. He has won success in life in a definite manner because he has persevered in pursuit of a worthy purpose and is gaining thereby a most satisfactory reward. He is the representative of honored old families of this part of the Buckeye State and has so ordered his life as to win the respect of all who know him.

Glen Biddle was born in Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio, on August 19, 1889, and is a son of S. A. and Clara E. (Kesler) Biddle, both of whom also are natives of Ohio. After their marriage, these parents located in Fulton County, where the father has successfully followed farming and stock breeding. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and is held in high esteem in his community. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Glen Biddle was reared on the home farm in Fulton County and attended the public schools, completing his elementary education in the high school at Wauseon. He then entered the Ontario Veterinary College and the University of Toronto, from both of which institutions he was graduated in due time; from the Ontario Veterinary College in April, 1910, with the degree of Veterinary Surgeon, and from the University of Toronto in June of the same year with the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science. On December 4, 1911, Doctor Biddle located in Bryan and has been engaged in his profession here continuously since. He has been very successful and enjoys a wide reputation as a thoroughly competent and skilful veterinarian.

Doctor Biddle is an ardent advocate of better live stock and has given evidence of his interest in many ways, not the least of which is in his active connection with the Williams County Holstein Breeders’ Company, incorporated, which is officered as follows: President, Albert Kalber; vice president, E. D. Ensign; general manager, H. F. Burgbacher; secretary and treasurer, Glen Biddle. This company was organized for the specific purpose of inducing and encouraging the farmers and stockmen of Williams County to breed and raise better grades of stock of all kinds, and thereby increase the value of their output in that line. In many other ways the doctor has been active in furthering enterprises for the advancement of the best interests of the county.

Glen Biddle was married to Iva Bard, a daughter of Henry and Sarah Bard. She was born and reared in this county and completed her education in the Bryan High School. Politically, Doctor Biddle is a supporter of the republican party, while, fraternally, he is a member of Bryan Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. He is a man of action rather than words, being eminently utilitarian, and his energy of character and professional success have gained for him the confidence of the entire community.

Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.

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