Athens Methodist Church, Athens County, Ohio

The establishment of the Methodist church, here, antedates that of any other religious society. Three quarters of a century ago, this denomination had already developed that spirit of energy and religious enterprise, which has not only made it the pioneer church, and forerunner of other denominations, but has caused it to become the most powerful church organization in America. We have quoted elsewhere, from the Rev. Mr. Quinn, an account of a missionary tour, which he made up the Hockhocking valley in 1800, when he preached at Athens. The Methodists have had a society here from that time, and during … Read more

Athens Newspapers, Athens County, Ohio

The first newspaper published in Athens, was The Athens Mirror and Literary Register, commenced in 1825, by A. G. Brown. The Mirror was political and literary in its character, printed once a week on paper of super-royal size (sixteen pages about nine by five inches to each number), and continued through five years. It was printed on a wooden press with a stone bed, and required four pulls to each sheet. Several copies of the old Mirror, running from January to May, 1829, are before us, and furnish some interesting bits of local history. Each number contains the advertisements of … Read more

Athens Presbyterian Church, Athens County, Ohio

The First Presbyterian Society of Athens was organized in the autumn of 180y by the Rev. Jacob Lindley. The original members of the organization were but nine in number, viz: Joshua Wyatt and wife, Josiah Coe, Arthur Coates, Dr. Eliphaz Perkins, Alvan Bingham, Mrs. Sally Foster and the Rev. Jacob Lindley and wife. Public service was held for a time in the little brick school house which stood just east of the present site of the Presbyterian church, and afterward in the court house until the year 1828, when the present brick church was built. In 1815, the church numbered … Read more

Alexander, Athens County, Ohio History

Alexander, one of the four townships into which the county was divided on its organization, originally included the territory which now forms eleven townships, viz: Bedford, Scipio and Columbia townships of Meigs county; Vinton, Clinton, Madison, Elk and Knox of Vinton county; and Lee, Lodi and Alexander of Athens county. Its territorial extent was the same as that of Ames and just twice that of Athens. The township was located and surveyed in 1795. Athens and Alexander being the “college townships,” were generally spoken of in connection, and, as Alexander lay south of Athens, it was for a long time … Read more

Alexander, Athens County, Ohio Genealogy

Alexander, Athens County, Ohio GenealogyProminent among the early citizens of York was Mr. James Knight. He was born in Pulborough, England, and emigrated to the United States when thirty-two years old, came immediately to York township, and settled here in July, 1821. He became at once thoroughly identified with the interests of the township, and especially of Nelsonville, and during his residence here was one of the most active and influential citizens, participating earnestly in the local improvements and social movements of the day, such as the building of bridges, school and meeting houses, the establishment of Sunday and day … Read more

Ames, Athens County, Ohio History

This was one of the four original townships into which the county was divided on its organization in 1805. The county included then more than twice its present area, and Ames comprised the territory which now forms the townships of Marion and Homer in Morgan county; Ward, Green, and Starr in Hocking county, and Trimble, York, Dover, Bern, and Ames in Athens county. The settlement of Ames was begun about a year after that of Athens, and the first settlers were judge Ephraim Cutler and George Ewing, with their families. In the summer of 1797 Ephraim Cutler, one of the … Read more

Ames, Athens County, Ohio Genealogy

Ephraim Cutler, known in the early history of Athens county as Judge Cutler, was the oldest son of Dr. Manasseh Cutler, and was born at Edgartown, Duke’s county; Massachusetts, April 12th, 1767. He did not receive A collegiate education, but, being an industrious reader; he acquired during youth considerable mental culture, and a large store of useful knowledge. From the age of three years he lived with his grandparents, at Killingly, Connecticut, both of whom he was wont to mention in after life with great respect and affection. His grandfather was a pure and pious man, and an ardent patriot. … Read more

Athens, Ohio

We quote from the records of the Ohio Company, December 8th, 1795, the following report of the committee for examining the lands on the Hockhocking, suitable for fifth division lots “Where beasts with men divided empire claim, And the brown Indian marks with murderous aim,” “We, the subscribers, being appointed a committee by a resolve of the agents of the Ohio Company of the 9th of November, 1790, and for the purpose expressed in said resolve, but being prevented from attending to that business by the Indian war, until a treaty took place, since which (in company with Jeffrey Matthewson, … Read more

Athens Court House, Athens County, Ohio

For about a year and a half after the organization of the county, the court was held in a room, rented for that purpose, of Leonard Jewett and Silas Bingham. In 1807-8, a hewed log court house was erected, very near the spot where the present one stands, in which the courts were held for about ten years. This temple of justice must have been a pretty substantial structure, if its chimney, described in the following extract from the records of the county commissioners may be taken as a “specimen brick:” “September 7, 1807. The commissioners proceeded to adopt the … Read more

Athens, Athens County, Ohio Genealogy

Miscellaneous Biographies and Genealogy for the township of Athens, Athens County, Ohio, posted at Free Genealogy Dr. Manasseh Cutler Eliphaz Perkins Rev. Jacob Lindley John Brown J. G. Brown Jonathan Wilkins Calvary Morris Capt. Isaac Barker Hull Foster Miscellaneous Genealogies and Biographies John Perkins, son of Dr. Eliphaz Perkins, was born in Leicester, Vermont, in 1791, and came to the town of Athens with his father’s family in the year 1800. His father located at Athens on account of the prospective establishment of the Ohio university here, and since that time two of his sons, five grandsons and two great-grandsons … Read more