Biography of Daniel C. McTaggart, M. D. of Bryan Ohio

Daniel C. McTaggart, M. D., has been for more than thirty years established in the practice of his profession at Bryan, judicial center of Williams County, and holds secure vantage ground as one of the representative physicians and surgeons of this section of the Buckeye State. The broad scope of his practice indicates alike his ability and the high estimate placed upon him in his home community. Doctor McTaggart was born at Mapleton, Province of Ontario, Canada, July 19, 1856, and is a scion of the staunchest of Scotch ancestry. His father, Donald McTaggart, was born and reared in Scotland, where he received excellent educational advantages, and he was about twenty years of age when, in company with his four brothers, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean, on a sailing vessel of the type common to that period, and established his home in the Province of Ontario, Canada. He was a man of fine intellectuality, as may well be understood when it is stated that he was educated for the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, but he never entered the active service of the ministry. For several years after coming to America he held a clerical and executive position with a prominent lumbering company in Ontario, and finally he purchased land and turned his attention to farm industry, in which he achieved success and with which he continued to be identified during the remainder of his active career, his death having occurred on his fine old homestead farm in Elgin County, Ontario. His first wife was a young woman at the time of her death and he later married Miss Sarah House, and of the four children of this union two died in infancy, Doctor McTaggart of this review being the elder of the two surviving, and his sister, Mary, being the wife of William H. Healy, St., of Miami, Florida.

Doctor McTaggart profited fully by the advantages afforded in the public schools of his native province, and after completing the curriculum of the high school at Springfield, he continued to be associated with farm enterprise until he had attained to the age of twenty-seven years, besides which he did an appreciable amount of work as a carpenter. In consonance with his ambition he finally provided ways and means for its concrete realization, in that he began preparing himself for the medical profession. After preliminary study under effective private preceptorship he finally entered the Cincinnati College of Medicine, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and in this institution he was graduated as a member of the class of 1888. After thus receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine he came to Bryan, in the spring of 1888, and Williams County has continued the stage of his earnest, humane and successful service in the work of his profession during the long intervening years. He has kept in constant touch with the advances made in medical and surgical science, avails himself of the best standard and periodical literature of his profession, and gains much also through his active membership in the American Institute of Homeopathy, the Ohio State Medical Society and the Williams County Medical Society, of which last mentioned he is president at the time of this writing, in 1920.

A staunch supporter of the principles of the republican party, Doctor McTaggart has never sought public office but his communal loyalty has been effectively shown in his sixteen years of service as a member of the board of education at Bryan, of which body he is vice president at the present time. He and his wife are active members of the Christian Church and his Masonic affiliations are with Bryan Lodge, No. 215, Free and Accepted Masons; Bryan Chapter, No. 45, Royal Arch Masons; and Bryan Council, No. 101, Royal and Select Masters. He is affiliated also with the Knights of Maccabees.

At Mapleton, Ontario, Canada, in 1881, was solemnized the marriage of Doctor McTaggart to Miss Addie E. White, who was there born and reared and who is a daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth (Hull) White. Dr. and Mrs. McTaggart have two children: Hazel is the wife of Ralph B. Shannock, of Mansfield, Ohio, and they have one son, Donald R. Kenneth W. McTaggart, who is associated with business enterprise at Bryan, married Miss Freda Bragg and they have two children, Dorothy and Mary M.

Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.

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