Biography of H. F. Planson

H. F. Planson. — Intimately associated with the agricultural interests of Springfield Township, his finely improved farm lying three-fourths of a mile south and one mile east of Stryker, H. F. Planson holds high rank among the prosperous farmers of Williams County, the record of whose lives fills an important place in this volume. He was born, January 14, 1867, in Lockport, Brady Township, this county, a son of Peter and Frances Planson.

Peter Planson was born, bred and educated in Brady Township, near Lockport, and as a young man selected farming as his occupation. Industrious and economical, he saved his earnings, and soon after his marriage began farming in his. native township. Subsequently coming with his family to Springfield Township, he bought land near Stryker, and was successfully engaged in tilling the soil until ready to retire from active labor. Removing then to Stryker, he spent the closing years of his life in ease and comfort, both he and his wife dying there. Active in republican circles, he served as township trustee a number of terms. Religiously both he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. His wife, whose maiden name was Frances Racine, came from France to Lockport, Ohio, when about twenty-two years of age and here she was married. Nine children blessed their union, as follows: H. F., the subject of this sketch; Emiel; Ida; Charles; George; Nora, wife of James Roux; Sylvia; Fred; and a child that died in early life.

Completing his early education in the public schools of Stryker, H. F. Planson remained with his parents until twenty-five years of age, when, with very limited means at his command, he began the battle of life on his own account, for three years thereafter living on rented land. Having obtained some money, he then purchased sixty acres of the land included in his present farm, and in its management showed marked ability. He has since added by purchase forty more acres, and has now a fine farm of 100 acres, the greater part of which is under culture, the land being as rich and productive as any in the neighborhood. Mr. Planson has been very fortunate in his undertakings, and in addition to making many wise improvements on his home place, he is now building a modernly constructed residence in Stryker, on North Main Street, where he may eventually live.

Mr. Planson married, December 22, 1891, Anna Juillard, and to them three children have been born, namely: Mertie, a graduate of the Stryker High School, is the wife of Emil Hayes; Arthur, who married Grace Bender, served as a corporal in the World War, and while in France was gassed; and Edwin, a graduate of the Stryker High School, married Miss Sine, and lives in Stryker. A steadfast republican in politics, Mr. Planson was elected township trustee in November, 1919, and is rendering appreciated service in that capacity. He is an active and worthy member of the Baptist Church, of which he is a trustee and a deacon.

Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.

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