Eli R. Sheline.— Possessing shrewd business sense and being able to put into his enterprises the full force of well-directed efforts Eli R. Sheline, now living retired at Edon, has been one of the men who has raised the standards of production in manufacturing in this region, and still maintains a prestige in his community because of the interest he always manifests in civic affairs.
Born in Carroll County, Ohio. December 4, 1848, Eli R Sheline was but six years old when he was brought to Williams County by his parents, Andrew and Ann Sheline. so that he has spent practically Ins whole life in this section of the state, and here all of his interests center.
Andrew Sheline was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania April 20, 1819, and his wife was born in Carroll County, Ohio in 1823. Coming to Carroll County, Ohio, when a young man. Andrew Sheline was there married, and was employed in building several grist mills in that county as he was a carpenter and millwright In 1855 he came to Williams County, and built the first grist mill at Edon, operating it and developing the plant to considerable proportions during the war between the states. Both he and his wife spent the remainder of their lives at Edon, and became very prominent as members of the Christian Church there, in which he was a class leader and elder. He was one of the founders of the church and continued to be one of the very liberal contributors to it until his death. In politics he was a republican. His interests were not confined to his mill, but he owned stock in a number of enterprises at different times and was exceedingly successful in all that he undertook The children born to him and his wife were as follows: Benjamin F., Edwin K.. Eli R.. Mary, Louisa, Jennie, Harriette A. and Samantha, who are living, the second child, Martha E., is deceased.
Eli R. Sheline attended the public schools of Florence Township until he was fifteen years old when he entered Hiram College, and then attended school at Bryan, Ohio, but although prepared for the profession, he never taught school, but began working for his father in the mill. In 1866 Andrew Sheline erected a woolen mill, and later Eli R. Sheline bought an interest in it, and eventually took all of the stock, becoming the sole owner in 1882, and conducted it until it was destroyed by fire, at which time, due to the shock and anxiety, his health failed, and since then he has lived in practical retirement.
On February 25, 1875, Mr. Sheline was married to Rebecca J. Eyster, who was born in Fulton County, Ohio, but was married at Edon, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Sheline became the parents of four children, namely: Cordelia and Arthur E., who are both deceased; Holland L., who is foreman of one of the factories at Edon; and Orville, who died at the age of two years. Both Mr. Sheline and his wife are members of the Christian Church. Like his father Mr. Sheline is a republican. He, too, has been very successful, and in addition to other property, owns 116 acres of land adjoining the lower end of Edon.
Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.