Biography of George Z. Castor

George Z. Castor, born on March 10, 1870, in Defiance County, Ohio, epitomizes the essence of self-made success and commendable citizenship. A descendant of Ohio natives, including a Civil War veteran father, Castor’s life on an 83-acre farm near Bryan in Pulaski Township highlights the fruits of hard work, self-culture, and community engagement. Married to Mertie B. Fisher in 1891, their family and Castor’s contributions to agriculture and the local cooperative association reflect a legacy of industriousness, integrity, and dedication to progress.

George Z. Castor. — One of the worthy citizens of Williams County is George Z. Castor, a progressive farmer of Pulaski Township, who is easily the peer of any of his fellows in the qualities that constitute correct manhood and good citizenship. He is what he is from natural endowment and self-culture, having attained his present standing solely through the impelling force of his strong nature. His relations with his fellow citizens have been of such a character as to win the confidence and respect of all who have come into contact with him.

George Z. Castor, whose fine farm is located one mile north of Bryan, is a native of the Buckeye State, his birth having occurred in Defiance County on March 10, 1870, and he is the son of Eli E. and Catherine (Ziegler) Castor. Both of his parents also were natives of Ohio, the father having been born in Richland County and the mother in Defiance County, where she still lives. They were married in the latter county and made that their future home. Eli Castor was a veteran of the Civil war and was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was a republican in his political faith and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They became the parents of eleven children, of which number eight are still living, namely: Belle, who has never married; Susie, the wife of Orville Ensign; Jennie, the wife of Henry Gardner; George Z., the subject of this sketch; William, of Williams County; Sarah, the wife of C. L. Gardner; Arthur E. and Archie E., twins, both of whom reside in Williams County.

George Z. Castor was reared to manhood under the parental roof and secured his educational training in the public schools of Defiance County. About the time he reached his majority he was married and thereafter he farmed on his own account in Defiance County until March, 1902, when he came to Williams County and bought a farm of eighty-three acres in Pulaski Township, to the cultivation of which he has since devoted his time. He is thoroughly up-to-date and practical in his farming operations, and has been uniformly successful in all that he has undertaken. His place is well improved with substantial and attractive buildings and the general appearance of the place indicates the owner to be a man of splendid ideals and good taste. In addition to general farming, Mr. Castor also gives some attention to the raising of live stock, which has been a source of comfortable income. He is also a stockholder and a member of the board of directors of the Pulaski Farmers’ Cooperative Association.

On November 19, 1891, Mr. Castor was married to Mertie B. Fisher, who was born on October 16, 1871, near Williams Center, Defiance County, Ohio, the daughter of Jesse and Susan (Blair) Fisher, the latter of whom was also born at Williams Center. The father was born in Wayne County, Ohio, but came with his parents on their removal to Williams Center. After his marriage, he settled on a farm in Defiance County, where he spent the remainder of his life. Politically, he was a republican and a man of splendid attributes. To him and his wife were born nine children, of whom six are living, namely: Thomas, Jennie, Mertie B. (Mrs. Castor), Reason S., Harry B. and Elery B. To Mr. and Mrs. Castor has been born seven children, namely: Paul; Georgie, the wife of Clarence Richman; Helen E., wife of Alphonso Fulmer; Jesse E., Blanche, Susan E. and Verden F.

Mr. Castor gives his political support to the republican party, while, fraternally, he is a member of Bryan Lodge, Knights of Pythias. By a life of industry, uprightness and square dealing — a life devoted to the support of whatever is good and true — he has won the admiration and genuine regard of a large circle of warm and loyal friends.

Source: Bowersox, Charles A. ed. A standard history of Williams County, Ohio: an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in the commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development , 2 vols. Publisher Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1920.

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