The first white settler within the limits of what is now Carthage township was Asahel Cooley, Sen. He came from near Springfield, Massachusetts, to Belpre in 1797, moved to what is now Athens county in 1799, traversing a dense wilderness between the Muskingum and the Hockhocking, and settled within the present limits of Carthage. With the aid of his grown up sons he had soon cleared a piece of land and prepared a home which was known long afterward for its good cheer and genuine hospitality. Esquire Cooley was a man of well-informed mind, active business habits and gentlemanly manners. He was for many years justice of the peace and county commissioner, and held other offices of trust in the very early history of the county. His oldest son, Simeon Cooley, built the Coolville mills in 1815, and, in connection with them, what was then considered a large distillery. He laid out near his mills the now neat and thriving village of Coolville which, with a slight abbreviation, bears his name. The youngest and only surviving son of Esquire Cooley, Heman Cooley, is a respectable farmer living near Coolville in Troy township, and is now seventy-three years of age.
The next year after Asahel Cooley came, his brotherin-law, Mr. Abram Frost, and settled in Carthage with a large family. Many of his descendants have removed to western states. One of his sons, Heman Frost, settled as a farmer in Rome township, where he was highly respected, and, during his long residence there of about forty years, ranked as one of her best citizens. He died June 5, 1868, aged seventy-eight years. His last illness was caused by a severe fall from a scaffold in his barn.
Bernardus B. Lottridge, born in New York in 1779, came to Athens county and settled in Carthage township in 18o5 as a farmer. Like most of the pioneers he had but slender means, and depended chiefly on his energy, industry, and muscle. These soon won him a good farm, and placed his family on a comfortable footing. He held different local offices, and was an excellent citizen. He died in 1849. One of his sons, the late Isaac Lottridge, represented Athens county for one session in the state legislature. Another, Simon H. Lottridge, born in Carthage township in 1807, lives on the farm that his father owned. He is now a justice of the peace and highly respected. The widow of Bernardus B. Lottridge still lives, aged eighty-seven years. She thinks that there were not more than ten or twelve persons living within the present bounds of Carthage when she and her husband settled here. The forests were full of game and wild animals. She remembers that one evening a large panther walked into their house and stood before the fire. His rifle not being in the house Mr. Lottridge seized the butcher knife and would have attacked the animal instantly but for the entreaties of his wife. She supposes that her screams frightened the panther, for in a few moments he darted out at the door and made off. Her husband frequently killed panthers and bears-the meat of the latter being a favorite article of diet. She remembers that nearly the last, if not the very last, bear that Mr. Lottridge killed, he attacked and killed with no other weapon but a hickory club.
Ebenezer Buckingham, Sen., settled in what is now Carthage township in 1801, near to Esquire Cooley. He was the father of the late Ebenezer Buckingham of Muskingum county, who was at one time esteemed one of the wealthiest men of southern Ohio. Stephen Buckingham, his brother, settled near him and about the same time.
William Jeffers, born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1786, settled in Carthage township as a farmer in 1807. He has lived in the township continuously for over sixty years, and is a highly respected citizen. His oldest son, A. P. Jeffers, was born in 1810 in Carthage, where he still lives. He was for several years one of the township trustees. Two of the sons of A. P. Jeffers served in the 53d regiment O. V. I.
R. W. Jeffers, another son of William, was born in Carthage township in 1814, and is still living there a respectable farmer.
Alexander Caldwell was born in Ireland in 1791, came to the United States in 1804 and to Carthage township in 1816, where he settled as a farmer and still lives. He served one term as justice of the peace and several years as township trustee. His descendants are numerous and respectable.
Moses Elliott, born February 1, 1784, in the county of Donegal, Ireland, came to the United States in I819, and settled as a farmer in Carthage township in 1823. He lived on the farm where he first settled, till his death in 1854.. He was a justice of the peace for twelve years, and was highly respected as a citizen. His family, two sons and five daughters, are all living.
John Elliott, his oldest son, born in Ireland in 1816, came to Carthage with his father’s family in 1823, and lived here till 1859. He was county commissioner several years and much esteemed. In 1859 he removed to southwestern Missouri, where he still resides. During the late war he was driven away from his farm on account of his Union sentiments, and was absent several years, but since the return of peace has resumed his residence there.
James Elliott, youngest son of Moses, was born in Carthage in 1826, and has lived ever since on the farm where he was born. He has been township clerk for many years, and is held in high esteem by the whole community.
James Baker was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, in the year 1805, and came to Carthage in 1826, where he has followed the joint vocation of farmer and miller. Six of his sons and one son-in-law were in the Union army during the late war.
Daniel Boyd was born in Ireland in 1794, emigrated to the United States in 1819, and settled in Carthage township as a farmer in 1838. He was an active member of the Methodist church and an excellent citizen. He died August 20, 1867. His oldest son, Dr. John E. Boyd, died in West Virginia in 1855. His other two sons, Hugh and William F., graduated at the Ohio university in 1860 and 1866, respectively, and have engaged successfully in teaching.
Abraham Norris, born in New York in 1807, came to Ohio and settled in Carthage in 1829, where he now lives a farmer.
Peter Hammond was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in 1794, and settled in Carthage township as a farmer in 1845. His oldest son, John Hammond, is now a justice of the peace. Three of his sons in the Union army.
Nathaniel Martin was born in Massachusetts in 1789, and came to Carthage in 1836, where he has since lived a farmer. He served as township treasurer for twentytwo years consecutively.
Caleb P. Wells was born in New Hampshire in the year 1800. He married the only daughter of Mr. Martin, and moved to Carthage with his father-in-law in 1836, where he has since lived a farmer.
Walter Glazier was born in Ames township, in this county, in 1807, and removed to Carthage in 1837. He has served as justice of the peace five years, township assessor seven years, and township trustee twelve years. Two of his sons and a step-son served in the Union army.
John Lawrence was born in New Hampshire in 1808, and settled as a farmer in Carthage township in 1837, where he has since lived. His oldest son, John W. Lawrence, an excellent man and citizen, served faithfully in the Union army, and was killed in battle near the close of the war.
Edward Lawrence, born in New Hampshire in 1810, settled in Carthage in 1841. His occupation is farming. He was appointed postmaster at Lottridge, when the office was established, in 1851, and still holds the position.
William Mills was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 18o8, removed to Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1812, and to Carthage township in 1839, where he still lives. By occupation he is a farmer. He served one year as township trustee, and one year as assessor.
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I have recently learned that my biological grandmother’s sister was buried in Good Shepards Cemetery in Carthage in 1912.
Could you tell me if the Good Shepard cemetery in Carthage was just for the sisters of Good Charity or a public cemetery.
Also, is it still in existence ? Any information pertaining to this cemetery would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.