Athens County, Ohio Revolutionary War Records
- Pension Applications, Individuals
- 1840 Pensioners Census
The information contained in this 1840 Pensioners Census database is a compilation of the data on the Revolutionary War pensioners gathered from the 1840 census returns. The information is organized by place – state, county, then township. It also lists the name and age of the veteran, and the name of the head of household with whom the pensioner resided on the census date.
Athens County, Ohio War of 1812 Records
Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812 – Access Genealogy
The roster of the war of 1812 for Ohio consisted of a total of 26,280 men who enlisted from Ohio to assist the nation in this war. They comprised of 3 regiments, 464 companies, 13 cavalry troops, and 1 artillery battery. This dataset has broken up this list for easier perusal by the company, troop, or battery of the soldiers.
Athens County, Ohio Civil War Records
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (hosted at the Soldiers and Sailors Database)
- Search for Soldiers
- Search for Sailors
- Search by Regiment
- Battlefields
- Prisoner Search
- Andersonville – Union
- Ft. McHenry – Confederate
- Medal of Honor Recipients Civil War Resources
- American Civil War Battle Summaries
- American Civil War General Officers
- American Civil War Pension Index
- American Civil War Regiments
- American Civil War Service Records
- American Civil War Soldiers
- Confederate Research Sources
- Confederate States Field Officers
Athens County, Ohio War with Spain Records
Ohio Soldiers in the War with Spain, 1898-99 – Ancestry
“The Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War with Spain, 1898-99” was compiled under the direction of Frank B. Willis, Governor, Charles Q. Hildebrant, Secretary of State, and Benson W. Hough, Adjutant General of Ohio and published under the authority of the General Assembly in 1916. It is the official record of the Ohio regiments in the Spanish-American War. After the Maine was exploded in Havana Harbor, the United States decided to avenge the deaths of the ship’s men by going to war with Spain. When the president asked for troops, Ohio answered the call, and this database is a record of the more than 19,000 men from Ohio who served in the war.
Athens County, Ohio World War 1 Records
Ohio Military Men, 1917-18 – Ancestry
Among the bloodiest and largest armed conflicts in the modern age, World War One, although primarily a European war, involved United States military units from 1917 to 1918. This database is a massive collection of military records for men who served in the war from Ohio. Originally compiled in 1926, it provides the names for men who served in the army, navy, and marines. In addition to providing the individual’s name, it reveals city of residence, unit of service, birth date or age, and other helpful facts. It also contains the location and date of enlistment and discharge information. The names of over 263,000 men are included in the collection. For researchers of Ohio ancestors who may have served in the “Great War,” this can be an informative database.
Athens County, Ohio World War 2 Records
Athens County World War 2 Honor Roll
- Athens County Army and Army Air Corps Casualty List, World War 2
- Ohio Navy, Marines, and Nurses Casualty List, World War 2
- Ohio POW list World War 2
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