Trimble, Athens County, Ohio Genealogy

Jonathan Watkins, Sen., came from Athens township in 1803, and settled in the lower part of Trimble, and soon after Eliphalet Wheeler settled near him. Mr. Watkins was a blacksmith, but, like most of the early settlers, occasionally engaged in hunting. He shot a buffalo soon after settling in Trimble, and broke its fore leg. He pursued the animal, thus crippled, from Green’s run in Trimble township, across Wolf plains, and over the Hockhocking some distance, but failed to capture it.

Samuel Clark settled here about 1820.

James Bosworth, from Fall River, Massachusetts, came here in 18 2 1, but, after living in the township a few years, went back to New England.

Enos Barnes, from New England, a son-in-law of Mr. Bagley, settled here in 1818. He was a blacksmith.

Solomon Newton, a native of Worcester, Massachusetts, came to Athens county in 1821, and settled in Trimble in 1822. His place was on the creek about three miles below James Dew’s, and, being situated on the main road between Athens and Zanesville, was formerly very well known. Mr. Newton died in 1849.

About 1814 lames and Thomas Dew, brothers, came to Athens county with their parents, from Maryland, and made permanent settlements. James settled just outside of the present limits of Trimble township. Several of his sons, including Dr. J. S. Dew and Mr. Henry C. Dew, now live in Trimble.

James Price, a native of Rhode Island, settled in Trimble in 1820. One of his sons, Mr. Abel Price, is now living in the township.

John B. Johnson, son of Azel Johnson, one of the early settlers of Dover township, settled in Trimble as a farmer in 1820. He was the father of Mr. J. M. Johnson, recently sheriff of the county.

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