Biographies of Guernsey County Ohio

We are actively publishing online the biographies from volume 2 of A History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Cyrus P. B. Sarchet. County histories are a treasure trove for genealogists, offering a glimpse into the lives of ancestors and the communities they inhabited. By carefully utilizing these biographies, researchers can piece together family histories, understand the socio-economic backdrop of their ancestors’ lives, and connect with the past in a meaningful way. With patience and thorough investigation, the stories uncovered can enrich family narratives for generations to come.

While county histories are rich in information, they also have limitations. The biographical sketches were often submitted by the families themselves and might emphasize positive aspects while omitting less favorable details. Additionally, not all families were included, typically favoring those who were more prominent or could afford to pay for inclusion.

The biographical sketches usually contain detailed accounts of notable citizens, often including information about their families, occupations, and contributions to the community, and may include a photograph of the subject or subjects family. Treat the information found in these biographies as a secondary source. Always try to confirm details through primary sources like birth, marriage, and death records.


This is a work in progress.

Biographical Index of the History of Guernsey County Ohio


Abels, James D.
Adair, William J.
Albin, Perry M.
Allison, Richard M.
Amos, John M.
Anderson, Charles M.
Anderson, John.
Anderson, Matthias C.
Arbuckle, Alexander W.
Arndt, David.
Arndt, Howard W.
Atkins, Robert H.
Atkins, Robert N.
Ault, Charles M.
Austin, Charles R.


Bair, James G.
Banta, Charles Levi
Barber, Nathan H.
Barnes, John W.
Barr, James R.
Bayless, Osmond M.
Beckett, John C.
Bell, Oscar.
Bell, William H.
Bennett, Arthur J.
Berry, John S.
Berry, Oscar J.
Bierly, William F.
Bird, Frank E.
Black, Archibald L.
Blair, William H.
Bond, John H.
Bonnell, Thomas Austin
Bostwick, John A.
Bostwick, Nathan.
Bown, Herbert H.
Braden, Daniel E.
Bradford, William X.
Bratton, John B.
Bratton, Samuel, Jr.
Brown, J. Marshall.
Brown, Turner G.
Brown, William H.
Bruner, John L.
Burgess, Samuel M.
Burt, David S.
Burt, John M.


Cain, Albert R.
Cale, John W.
Campbell, James W., Judge
Carnes, Samuel C.
Carter, Samuel.
Casey, Charles L.
Catholic Church in Guernsey County.
Clark, John Bargar.
Clark, Richard J.
Clark, Stephen B.
Clark, Thomas C.
Cochran, Alexander.
Coen, Alexander L.
Combs, James G.
Combs, John M.
Conner, Silas W.
Conroy, Dennis.
Cowden, David L.
Cowden, William N.
Craig, Samuel A.
Cubbison, James.
Cubbison, Pulaski.


Davis, Carson B.
Davis, William H.
Davis, William H., Jr.
Deselm, Wilbur D.
Dickerson, George W.
Dilley, Ephraim M.
Dilley, James L.
Dollison, Joseph B.
Dowdall, William W.
Druesedow, Anton E.
Dyson, Joseph W.


Eagleson, Alexander G.
Eagleson, Thomas.
Eagleton, William.
Eagleton, John.
Eaton, James E.
Eaton, Philip W.
Enos, Benjamin F.
Evans, William P.


Fairchild, John T.
Ferguson, Ira
Ferguson, Joseph B.
Finley, John F.
Finley, Samuel A.
Fishel, John B.
Forbes, Robert S.
Forsythe, Homer A.
Forsythe, William R.
Fowler, Thomas W.
Frame, Roland S.
Frost, John W.
Frye, Charles W.
Frye, George W.
Frye, Henry F.
Frye, William K.


Gable, John Emmett.
Galbraith, Henry P.
Gander, David C.
Gander, Homer S.
Gibson, William H.
Graham, Richard C.
Grant, John Roland.
Green, Elmer E.
Green, Fred F.
Green, James.
Green, Willoughby B.
Gregg, John B.
Gregg, William D.
Gregg, William J.
Groves, Samuel C.


Hall, Edward
Hall, Isaac W
Hall, John R
Hartley, Leon C
Hartley, Milton L
Hawes, James F
Hawes, Joseph
Hayman, Jacob H
Heade, Wilson S
Heaume, William E
Heiner, Charles A
Henderson, James C
Hilderbrand, Benjamin I
Hoopman, Elijah B
Hoopman, James A
Hoopman, Parmer E
Hoopman, William H
Hunt, William A
Hutton, William A
Hyatt, John H
Hyatt, Noah


Jackson, Coleman B
Jackson, Samuel
Jenkins, David J
Johnson, Samuel M
Johnston, Andrew S. T
Johnston, Francis
Johnston, Willard B
Johnston, William F
Joyce, Benjamin B


Kaho, George S
Keenan, Isaac W
Koontz, Henry A
Koren, Joseph


Laughlin, James
Lawyer, William M
Lee, Benjamin F
Lepage, Nathaniel
Linkhorn, L. S
Linn, David
Lofland, Gordon, Col.
Lowry, Orlando F
Luccock, Howard W
Lynch, Edward


McBurney, James R
McConnell, John M
McCourt, James
McCracken, Alexander
McCreary, James H
McCreary, John L
McCulloch, Allen R
Mcllyar, Clyde R
McKim, Martin V
McKinley, Thomas W
McMillen, George A


Mahaffey, John P.
Marsh, D. Dillon
Mathews, Edward W., Jr
Mathews, Edward W., Sr
Meek, Erastus F
Merry, Abraham M
Millhone, Elijah
Moore, Andrew Bines
Moore, Hiram K
Moore, Isaac
Moore, James W
Moore, Robert B
Moore, Ross
Moore, Thomas I
Moore, Wiley
Moorhead, Joel
Moorhead, John S
Morgan, John H.
Morton, Isaac
Moser, William M
Murray, Alexander R
Murray, James


Nash, John H
Neeland, Elijah
Nelson, Edwin M
Nichols, W. G
Nicholson, Andrew W
Nicholson, Jacob
Nicholson, John L
Nicholson, John R
Nicholson, Ulysses G
Nosset, David W


Ogier, John, Jr
Oldham, Isaac A
Oldham, Isaac J
Orr, Charles A
Orr, James Clinton


Patton, James E
People’s Bank, Pleasant City
Peters, James B
Pitt, Albert E
Potts, Benjamin
Pryor, James A
Purdum, U. C
Purdum, Zachary
Pyles, Thomas


Ramsey, William T
Rankin, Daniel L
Reasoner, Lynn S
Reasoner, Thomas H
Reynolds, John
Riddle, Lincoln
Riggs, Eugene C
Ringer, Arthur G
Robins, James E
Robins, John, Sr
Robins, Martin L
Rogers, Lawson A
Rogers, Lilburn C
Rosemond Family
Rosemond, Fred L


St. Benedict’s Catholic Church
Salladay, George
Salladay, Jacob W
Salladay, Lewis F
Salladay, Warren
Sarchet, Cyrus P. B
Sarchet Family
Sarchet, Moses
Sarchet, Thomas, Sr
Schick Brothers
Schick, Frank L, Jr
Schick, Frank L, Sr
Schick, John B
Scott, Nathan B
Scott, Robert T
Secrest, George M
Secrest, Harrison
Secrest, Jacob F
Secrest, James M
Secrest, James W
Secrest, Noah E (1)
Secrest, Noah E (2)
Secrest, William
Shaw, George R
Shepler, Robert I
Sheppard, Benjamin F.
Sheppard, Charles S
Sheppard, William S
Sherby, Michael
Shriver, John W
Shriver, Mark Gordon
Shriver, Michael E
Siegfried, Jacob B
Siens, Milton H
Simpson, William L
Skinner, James A
Smith, Ernest W
Smith, Frank Rosemond
Smith, George M
Smith, Jeremiah R
Spaid, Chaise J
Spaid, James E
Spaid, Thomas A
Stage, William M (1)
Stage, William S (2)
Stevens, Alpheus L.
Stewart, James B
Stone, Elias D
Stout, George H
Strauch, Matthew
Stubbs, Isaac E
Suitt, William C


Taylor, Alexander A
Taylor, David D
Taylor, Joseph D
Taylor, Orlando R
Temple, Edward
Temple, Lafayette
Temple, William
Thompson, Bert M.
Thompson, Ebenezer F
Thompson, John A
Thompson, William
Trenner, Benjamin
Trenner, George S
Trenner, Obediah E
Trott, Elza D
True, Alfred J
Turner, George
Turner, William H


Upton, William H


Vankirk, Samuel C
Veitch, Henry H
Vessels, John A
Vorhies, Elmer E


Wagner, Rev. J. H
Wall, Andrew
Warne, Clinton D
White, Isaac N
Williams, Henry L
Williams, Robert N
Wills, Theodore M
Wilson, Henry H
Wilson, James M
Wilson, Samuel, Sr
Wilson, William C
Wilson, William H
Wires, John
Woodworth, Henry P
Wycoff, Albert E


Yeo, William B
Young, Ora F


Zahniser, Robert W


Sarchet, Cyrus P. B. (Cyrus Parkinson Beatty). History of Guernsey County, Ohio. Vol. 2, B.F. Bowen & Company, 1911.

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